Ignoring False Positives

Ignoring False Positives

If you get a false positive keyword match you can ignore it to make your results more accurate.

A false positive is when Kagaio identifes a word in your resume or the job description and includes it in your results but it isn't relevant to your industry.

If you get a false positive then click the DB Icon button to the right of the keyword you wish to ignore.

The ignore button appears after you press Get Results to display your score.

To ignore a false positive, do the following after you've clicked Get Results and your results are displayed:

  1. Click the DB icon button next to the word to ignore.
  2. Kagaio strikes through the keyword and changes the row to red.

This updates your scan results, and these new results are displayed in the Skills Match Results area along with your added keyword.

To include the keyword, click the DB icon again. Kagaio will remove the strikethrough and change the color of the row back to its normal color.

by Victor on 10th July, 2024